About Us

Linda Martinucci started Simply Swap Foods to help others change to a real food low sugar/low carb eating style to improve overall health and quality of life.
With a background as a food writer and cookbook author, she has spent the last 15 years following nutrition studies and medical research based on the best way to fuel our bodies for optimal health.
In 2017, Linda made the decision to completely overhaul her lifestyle by switching to a real food diet which was naturally low in sugar and full of healthy fats. She was amazed at how much better she felt - excess weight fell away, there was no more brain fog in the afternoons plus her energy levels were higher than she'd felt in decades. Her husband David also adopted similar habits and along with weight loss, he had energy he never thought possible and all inflammatory aches and pains disappeared.
One of the keys to successfully transitioning to this new lifestyle was being able to indulge in favourite cakes and desserts from time to time. She wanted to be able to enjoy family celebrations and not feel deprived during dessert time.
So Linda went to work and spent countless hours in the kitchen perfecting the baking and porridge mixes that are for sale through her website. She knew that having sugar-free treats to enjoy would be the key to sustaining this way of eating for life. She has also developed many recipes that taste just like their traditional versions and these recipes are available on her website and through ebooks.
Study after study is now proving that excess sugar is the main issue for many conditions in our community including obesity, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, inflammation and general low energy and loss of mental clarity.
Linda hopes that her products and recipes will help others experience the enormous benefit of changing to a real food low sugar diet.
Every ingredient in every product has been carefully selected for good nutrition and health benefits. Linda doesn't compromise when it comes to your health.
With these products and recipes, you really can indulge yourself and feel great too!
We are a values driven business and proud to be 100% Australian owned and operated business. Our passion is helping and educating as many people as we can around sugar and nutrition so everyone can live their best and healthiest life without the burden of chronic disease.

To support this, each year we will be making a donation to SugarByHalf, an Australian not-for-profit led by a team of health experts which provides education and resources so that Australians can live better, stronger and healthier lives.
We also strive to minimise our environmental impact and use services that are kind to our earth, such as:
- Sendle for the majority of our Australia-wide shipping. Sendle are the first parcel delivery service in Australia to offer 100% carbon neutral shipping along with compostable sending satchels.
- Recycled cardboard boxes for shipping cartons.
- Packing peanuts which are fully biodegradable and compostable.
- Our soft plastic product packaging can be recycled through soft plastic recycling units found at most local Woolworths and Coles stores.
- Our wraps and paper are sourced from environmentally aware businesses.
- We support Australian businesses and source our ingredients locally.